Curious about sex, your body and relationships?
Just because you are not in high school does not mean you are not curious and looking for information. Information about bodies, sex and relationships is your right! This page will provide you with safe websites to get answers to all of your questions.
It's important to know, pornography may answer some of your questions but it is more damaging than helpful. It gives you unhealthy ideas and expectations about yourself, other people, and sex. Seek healthy information that leads to LIVING YOUR BEST LIFE! Please be sure to visit the video page (under resources) as well, as there are many informational video resources to check out!
Scarleteen is an independent, feminist, grassroots sexuality and relationships education media and support organization and website. It is considered the most popular and widely used site by ages 15-30.
We provide sex and relationship information and support for young people worldwide.
Started in 2003 with two physician moms at the helm, Girl•ology has become the go-to online community dedicated to making girls’ lives healthier.
AMAZE takes the awkward out of sex ed. Real info in fun, animated videos that give you all the answers you actually want to know about sex, your body and relationships.
Fight the New Drug is a non-religious and non-legislative organization that exists to provide individuals the opportunity to make an informed decision regarding pornography by raising awareness on its harmful effects using only science, facts, and personal accounts.
Loveisrespect’s purpose is to engage, educate and empower young people to prevent and end abusive relationships.
why media matters
Key facets of identity — like gender, social class, age, sexual orientation, race and ethnicity, religion, and disability — play prominent roles in the media we consume and create, determining how we see, understand, and experience the world and those we encounter in it.
That’s Not Cool is an award-winning national public education initiative that partners with young people to help raise awareness and bring educational and organizing tools to communities to address dating violence, unhealthy relationships, and digital abuse. Our vision is for everyone to experience healthy relationships― online and off.