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Sex, Teens & Everything In Between

Being a teen in today's world can be hard. Raising a healthy, aware, and sex-positive teen can be even more of a challenge. When it comes to sexuality in adolescence, harassment, autonomy, advice, and consent, it's crucial that teens be able to ask hard questions about how to take care of themselves, make decisions that reflect their values, and stay safe.  (Age group: Middle to College)



  • How to get and give consent 

  • What it means to have "good" sex

  • How to help prevent sexual harassment and assault

  • How to stay safe in difficult situations

  • The legal consequences of sexual harassment and assault, and what to do if a teen experiences assault or is accused of it

  • Stories from survivors of sexual assault


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Kristen A. Jensen's books are some of the most popular books for parents looking to arm kids against the dangers on-line. Engage your little ones and their older sibs in porn-proofing their brains.  The messages are gentle and age appropriate.  Good Pictures Bad Pictures  It is on its 2nd edition.  (Age group: GPBP JR. 3-6 years, GPBP 2-5th grade)




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Peggy Orenstein is one of my favorite authors.  She has been writing about the lives of girls since the publication of "SchoolGirls" in 1995.  In 2020 she took a leap into the wild and wooly world of boys and their sex lives.  Peggy digs in deep with guys and exposes where our culture has failed them.   (Age group: Middle to College)


Learn about...

*Navigating "Bro Culture" 

*Boys cultural reluctance to expressing emotion

*Porn useage

*Consent and sexual assault



(click the book for more info!)

Talk To Me First




Deborah Roffman's 2012 book. Talk To Me First is a must for all parents. It is a practical guide to parenting today.  It's sex ed, media literacy, parenting advice and conversation starters for you and your kids all in one. (Age group: Elementary to High School)



(click the book for more info!)




Come As You Are by Emily Nagoski is a fabulous book.  I learned so much about women and our bodies, how they function, and how each female is normal and healthy but our culture gives us poor messaging.  I recommend this for all mothers and young women in college.  If your daughters are sexually active in high school, they should read for a wonderful understanding of their amazing bodies.  This book is great for guys as well, the lack of knowledge we have about women's bodies is astonishing.   No matter what age a woman picks this book up, I guarantee she will learn so much about herself. (Age group: Seniors in High School +)


(click the book for more info!)





Gail Dines book, PORNLAND,  is as relevant today as when it was first published in 2011.  Gail shows how porn has infiltrated pop culture and why it is a public health crisis that we need to address. Gail is also the founder of Culture Reframe that offers free parent/youth education on pornography today. (Age group: Seniors in High School +)


(click the book for more info!)




"Consent is not the absence of 'NO', it is an enthusiastic YES!"


Following the sexual assault of a classmate, a group of teenage girls find themselves discussing the term consent, what it actually means for them in their current relationships, and how they act and make decisions with peer influence   Joined by their male friends who offer another perspective, this rich graphic novel uncovers the need for more informed conversations with young people around consent and healthy relationships.


(click the book for more info!)

The MACHO Paradox





Jackson Katz 2006 book, The MACHO Paradox, enlightening and frightening at the same time.  I did not read it but rather listened on Audible and I am glad that I did.  The Audible version is updated (2019) and very relevant.  I encourage everyone to listen to this book.  I would listen to it and re-listen to particularly relevant chapters with my children.  It opened up so many discussions and healthy conversations on how to embrace a healthier version and definition of masculinity.


(click the book for more info!)

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